With what kind of problems are facing residents of Pounje?

kostajnica 18 5 webHrvatska Kostajnica, 21st May 2015 – On questions about the problems of residents of Pounje responded Boris Blažeković, CPP's MP and Head of the Political Academy, talking with citizens and residents of Hrvatska Kostajnica, Majur and Dvor.

They talked about the vital issues of this specific peripheral part of Sisačko-moslavačka countys, and in the dialogue dominated typical problems for Pounje. What ails the local population are issues of potential disposal of nuclear waste in Dvor, the question of APN grants and ownership status as well as high unemployment of the population.

"CPP's Sisačko-moslavačke county organizes such discussions in all cities and municipalities of the county, which proved to be extremely well-accepted and useful to all citizens. And we will continue to practice this kind of direct communication, because we believe it is extremely important", said Ivan Nekvapil, President of the CPP's county organization.

Also, in addition to the above topic of conversation, people asked questions about their problems relating to the implementation of the laws and regulations of the Croatian Parliament, the Government and ministries, because experience has shown that most of these politicians who come to them seek "their vote".

"I am pleased with your great interest in these conversations that really contribute, not only to mutual awareness of the problems and the possibility of their solution, but also to good communication. Precisely this type of communication is a prerequisite for solving the existing problems", said Blažeković.

Besides Ivan Nekvapil, hosts and initiators of the entire event were Andrej Maoduš, Stevo Bijelić and Miroslav Samardžić, presidents of CPP's subsidiaries Hrvatska Kostajnica, Majur and Dvor.

The conversation took place within the 2nd Department of the Academy for further education in general policy.

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