CPP's MP Ivica Mandić held a public debate in Buzet

divljac mandic buzetBuzet, 25th September 2015 – At a press conference in Buzet in a community center, which was held before a public debate about damage to agriculture from wildlife and elementary disasters, spoke Ivica Mandić, CPP's MP and Vice President of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture.

Ivica Mandić looked back on legislation that determines hunting quotas and said that the damage caused by wildlife is a reality, and one of the ways of reducing such damage is to increase the quota for the hunting of wildlife.

"The increase of hunting quotas by 50% is not a problem, and if that's not enough, you can ask for permission to hunt at night using night-sight, which requires the approval of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection. Thankfully, the hunting societies take measures to bring the damage under control, especially when it comes from wild pigs. It is extremely difficult because these wildlife reproduces quickly, has a large radius of movement in nature and has no natural predators", said Mandić.

Except the damage to agriculture from wild animals, Mandić said that the damage in traffic and damage from elementary disasters is also increased. For damage from elementary disasters is because of budget revision, in addition to the 20 million kuna for this year, provided a further 20 million. In addition, said Mandić, it is particularly important that the line ministry co-finances the insurance policy.

Except Ivica Mandić the press conference was attended by the president of CPP's branch Štrped Senad Flego and president of CPP's Istarska county organisation Zvonko Liović. Liović noted all the programs initiated by CPP and how they greatly facilitate the life of citizens.

President of CPP's subsidiary Buzet Vlatko Mrvoš said how CPP repeatedly pointed out the problem with damages from wild animals in the City Council of Buzet, and the arrival of CPP's MP Ivica Mandić only confirms that CPP cares to solve this problem in a quality manner.

Public debate was organized by CPP's Istarska organization, CPP's subsidiary Buzet and branch Å trped.

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