ENoP Working Group has adopted the proposal of the International Education Center

enop helsinki webZagreb, 16th March 2016 – ENoP Working Group has adopted the proposal of the International Education Center, for the foundations to actively participate in the political education of Syrian refugees. The proposal was adopted on 14th March in Helsinki before the seminar on the prevention and transformation of conflicts in the European neighborhood and the role of development aid.

Read more: ENoP Working Group has adopted the proposal of the International Education Center

The General Assembly of EnoP in Brussels

logo enopZagreb, 15th March 2016 - On Wednesday, March 16th in Brussels will be held the General Assembly of the European network of political foundations (ENoP), which will consider the future of the network, adopt a new strategic plan and analyze the financial viability and change of the statutes of EnoP.

Read more: The General Assembly of EnoP in Brussels

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